Tuesday, July 21, 2020

New publications July/August 2020

A book review I wrote of Deirdre Bair's excellent memoir PARISIAN LIVES, about encounters she had with playwright/novelist Samuel Beckett (Waiting for Godot) and feminist Simone de Beauvoir (The Second Sex), will be published by The Book Smuggler's Den on July 24th.

And a poem I wrote titled SPACE will be published Aug. 2nd by Syndic Literary Journal.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

New publications in 2020

My short script LIFE'S RICH PAGEANT has been published by Smith Scripts in the U.K.: https://www.smithscripts.co.uk/product/lifes-rich-pageant-by-martha-patterson/  In it, two women lunching at the Four Seasons discuss the COVID pandemic, the wisdom of using acronyms in emails, and trade memories of embarrassing moments.

My essay BEAUTY IS A FEMINIST ISSUE was published by the print arts & literature journal Havik (this issue titled "Homeward") in early July.  It's about how the pressure of always "looking good" affects women.

My short play THE GARDEN OF REMEMBRANCE will be published on the platform of the International Human Rights Art Festival in the coming 12 months - it deals with an encounter between Americans and Arabs.  

Thursday, July 9, 2020

New production of monologue AMBER - A RECOGNITION OF BIRDS

My monologue AMBER - A RECOGNITION OF BIRDS has been featured in the 2019-2020 Engage Art Contest, with the theme of Ephesians from the Bible.