Saturday, June 22, 2019

Revision of CHARLOTTE & AMANDA, A Play in Ten Scenes

Just finished a revision of this full-length.

SYNOPSIS:  Serio-comedy.  A full-length play referencing Shakespeare's MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, in which female friendship, and betrayal, are examined.  Fights erupt as two young women find their way through family disturbances, romance, and death in the 1920s.  Charlotte is accused of infidelity by her own mother, no less, but Amanda eventually finds true love. 

Revision of ON PREJUDICE & FAITH, A Play in Two Acts

SYNOPSIS:  Drama.  This full-length play concerns events surrounding the murder of 13-year-old factory worker Mary Phagan in Atlanta, Georgia, in 1913.  Jewish factory supervisor Leo Frank was convicted of the crime, but the identity of the real murderer remains unsolved.  The case stirred up much bigotry and hatred against Jewish people in the region.  With overtones of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice (which is quoted in the play), this is a story about prejudice.

Friday, June 21, 2019

World Premiere of SHARING THE DRESS in Chicago, August 2019

Violet Surprise Theatre just accepted my short Femslash play SHARING THE DRESS for an August 2019 world premiere in Chicago.

Femslash is a new genre featuring romantic or sexual relationships between well-loved female characters from TV or fiction. 

SYNOPSIS:  Drawing on the characters of Mary and Rhoda from the sitcom THE MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW of the 1970s, Mary and Rhoda are now roommates and have an argument about a dress, on the way to discovering their mutual attraction.