Wednesday, November 13, 2013

New play production in Denmark by Martha Patterson - AFTER THE DISSOLUTION

A Short Play about Belarusians

Cast: 1W, 1M.  To be presented at the Belarusian Dream Theatre on March 25th, 2014 in Denmark, with possible option for production in other European countries.  Play will later be published in a book, proceeds of which go to Amnesty International.

SYNOPSIS:  Natasha and Sergei’s marriage crumbles as they discuss the fall of the Soviet Union.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

SEXOLOGY 101 by Martha Patterson to be produced in Sacramento, CA late November

Short comedy SEXOLOGY 101 will be produced at Closet Door Theatre in Sacramento, California on Nov. 22nd & 23rd, 2013.  This is an LGBTQ festival.

SYNOPSIS: When Steve and Phil consult a marriage counselor on Valentine’s Day, they find out they have more answers than the therapist does.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Reading of short comedy on Cape Cod - FOOD FOR THOUGHT

Short comedy FOOD FOR THOUGHT will be read in the “Play with Your Food” series at Cape Cod Community College, West Barnstable, Sept. 27, 2013.
Also, my short play RICH & POOR was selected as semi-finalist in Lakeshore Players, Minnesota’s “Hunger in the Suburbs” festival, fall 2013.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Reading of AMARILIS in U.K., Fall 2013

My monologue AMARILIS will be read at the Mercury Theatre in Colchester, England during an evening of political pieces, in combination with a performance of a Brecht play. 

SYNOPSIS: Amarilis, old and living in New Orleans, remembers her husband’s murder during the Parsley Massacre on the border between the Dominican Republic and Haiti in 1937.

Monday, June 24, 2013

New anthology published with scene from THESE PEOPLE by Martha Patterson

Scenes from a Diverse World, in which some of my work is represented, has just  been published - it may be ordered from Amazon.  It is a publication of the Int'l. Centre for Women Playwrights and is a 600-page compendium of scenes for teachers and student actors to use.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Short comedies JOHN and A KISS FROM ROME in Texas

Short comedies JOHN and A KISS FROM ROME to be produced by Driven Theatre in Houston, Texas in April & May, 2013.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New production in Rhode Island - A STATION IN LIFE, by Martha Patterson

To be produced at the 10th Anniversary Memorial of The Station Fire, Warwick, RI that occurred on Feb. 20, 2003, in which 100 nightclub attendees died. Promoted by faculty of Brown University, Rhode Island. Date and location TBA. SYNOPSIS: What does rock & roll mean to a survivor of the Station Fire in Warwick, Rhode Island?